Monday, November 24, 2008

Form Studies

Impressionist Form Studies


Caroline said...

Very cool...

Caroline said...

Those photos were beautiful! You have a great model!

I know you asked about the butterfly photos…. I took the photos at the Peggy Noetabert (sp?) Nature Museum (in the butterfly haven). It’s across the street from LP Zoo on Stockton. We are in town for the holiday.

I love the winter light…but it is hard to find more things to photo…I went out in “nature” and got some good shots of seed pods and winter trees (something I don’t see in Cali).

Photography is such a journey…I couldn’t imagine my life without a camera now! Isn’t that funny?

I love being inspired by other photographers (like yourself). Your Smokey mtn. photos were amazing!

Keep em’ coming! Tell everyone I said hello!

(would have sent an email...but SBC won't let me send through my comcast account!!!)